Module jdk.sctp

Class Association

  • public class Association
    extends Object
    A class that represents an SCTP association.

    An association exists between two SCTP endpoints. Each endpoint is represented by a list of transport addresses through which that endpoint can be reached and from which it will originate SCTP messages. The association spans over all of the possible source/destination combinations which may be generated from each endpoint's lists of addresses.

    Associations are identified by their Association ID. Association ID's are guaranteed to be unique for the lifetime of the association. An association ID may be reused after the association has been shutdown. An association ID is not unique across multiple SCTP channels. An Association's local and remote addresses may change if the SCTP implementation supports Dynamic Address Reconfiguration as defined by RFC5061, see the bindAddress and unbindAddress methods of SctpChannel, SctpServerChannel, and SctpMultiChannel.

    An Association is returned from an SctpChannel or an SctpMultiChannel, as well as being given as a parameter to NotificationHandler methods.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Association

        protected Association​(int associationID,
                              int maxInStreams,
                              int maxOutStreams)
        Initializes a new instance of this class.
        associationID - The association ID
        maxInStreams - The maximum number of inbound streams
        maxOutStreams - The maximum number of outbound streams
    • Method Detail

      • associationID

        public final int associationID()
        Returns the associationID.
        The association ID
      • maxInboundStreams

        public final int maxInboundStreams()
        Returns the maximum number of inbound streams that this association supports.

        Data received on this association will be on stream number s, where 0 <= s < maxInboundStreams().

        The maximum number of inbound streams
      • maxOutboundStreams

        public final int maxOutboundStreams()
        Returns the maximum number of outbound streams that this association supports.

        Data sent on this association must be on stream number s, where 0 <= s < maxOutboundStreams().

        The maximum number of outbound streams




